Fritz Hansen
Anniversary campaign
150 years with Fritz Hansen
150 years with Fritz Hansen
With 150 years of history, 76 designers, 230 different designs and countless innovations, it is a design heritage so extensive that all the stories could end up fighting for attention.
The anniversary campaign therefore faced the challenge of giving each design and designer speaking time, while at the same time focusing on the master brand instead of the products.
Global brand. Global media effort
The campaign was launched in the Fritz Hansen Pavilion for “3 days of design”.
A global 2 minute film, filmed at iconic Fritz Hansen locations from around the world. Everything from museum objects to historical archive material and new content became one unified story with all the designers and their iconic designs.
150 år. 150 visions
To further support the designers and their innovations that had shaped the brand, a series of individual content stories were produced focusing on the designers and their visionary innovations.
Fra awareness til engagement
Alt content på alle platformene ledte ind til Fritz Hansens site, hvor man kunne fordybe sig i en omfattende infografisk heritage-film. Dermed blev de 3 forskellige content-tilgange skabt til at matche de forskellige behov i hhv. brede medier, instore, on-site og social.